Global Partnerships- Faculty Travel Grant Competition Call for Proposals 2014 Round One February, 2014 In order to deepen the University of Maryland's existing international connections, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) announces the Global Partnerships- Faculty Travel Grant Competition. Funds will support one faculty member to travel to one or more existing UMD partner institutions to develop new collaborative projects and programs, or to improve the implementation of existing projects. Awards will be up to $5,000 per project, which may be applied to transportation, accommodations, food, and other travel-related expenses. Academic departments, colleges or schools are required to supply an additional 20% of the amount of the grant request. OIA will issue two calls for proposals annually, with up to four grants awarded each round. Applicant eligibility All full-time UMD faculty and researchers are eligible to apply to this program, regardless of tenure status. Partner institution eligibility For this Call, a “Partner Institution” is any foreign, accredited institution of higher education with which UMD has a valid international agreement (e.g., Memorandum of Understanding). To identify potential partners, or to check the status of particular partnerships, please browse the Global UMD database of international agreements. We especially encourage applicants to consider involving one of the member institutions of Universitas 21, a consortium of 27 leading research universities around the world, of which UMD is now a member. Duration of the grant Funds from the grant must be utilized within nine months from the date of the award announcement. Expected outcomes Expected outcomes include (but are not limited to) the enhancement or development of: - collaborative research projects - undergraduate or graduate student exchange programs - courses jointly taught via digital technologies - faculty conferences, symposia, workshops, etc. - joint academic programs Preference will be given to collaborative activities that have not previously been funded. PLEASE NOTE: Travel for the sole purpose of attending/speaking at a scholarly conference is not eligible for funding under this grant program. Application Procedures Please submit your complete application for 2014 Round One by email to Dr. Joseph Scholten in the Office of International Affairs by Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Your complete application will include: 1. Project application form (see Appendix 1) 2. Invitation/ letter of support from an appropriate authority at the host institution(s). Email messages are acceptable. 3. Letter of support from the applicant’s department head (or equivalent). The letter of support should include the name of the applicant and title of the project, an acknowledgement the amount requested and any guarantee of financial contribution from the department, if applicable. Email messages are acceptable. 4. If not included in the departmental/unit letter of support, a guarantee of matching funds from their source. Email messages are acceptable. A committee composed of UMD faculty and professional staff will evaluate applications. Conditions Grantees must accept the award within two weeks of the award announcement, and attend an orientation session, to be organized by OIA. Funds are to be used to cover transportation, accommodations, food, and other travel-related expenses. Grantees must complete the project within nine months of receiving the grant. Any unused funds revert to OIA. Reporting Successful applicants will submit a final report within one month of the completion of activities under the grant. This report will include:  summary of the project activities  project outcomes  project follow-up actions, including timetable and assessment Reports will be submitted electronically, and will be published on the OIA website. Timeline Call for Proposals Published Application deadline Awards announced Grant start date Grant end date Final report deadline Round 1 02/06/14 03/25/14 04/08/14 05/01/14 02/01/15 within one month of completion Round 2 08/11/14 09/30/14 10/14/14 11/01/14 08/01/15 within one month of completion Additional information Please address all questions related to this Call to Dr. Joseph Scholten in the Office of International Affairs. Appendix 1: Project application form A. Applicant information A.1. Name A.2. Title A.3. Department A.4. E-mail A.5. Phone B. Partner institution information B.1. Institution name B.2. Department name B.3. Country B.4. City B.5. Host’s name and e-mail address B.6. Previous collaboration (Please provide the details of the department’s or applicant’s previous collaboration with this institution, if any.) Note: If your project involves more than one partner institution, please copy, paste and fill in the section B of this form for each of the institutions involved. C. Project information (Maximum three pages, Times New Roman font,11 pt, single space. Please complete sections C.1. to C.10.) C.1. Project title C.2. Objectives C.3. Justification C.4. Description of project activities C.5. Timetable C.6. Expected outcomes C.7. Beneficiaries (direct and indirect, institutional and individual) C.8. Budget C.9. Sustainability C.10. Follow-up activities, including plans for dissemination D. Application checklist D.1. Application date: ____________________ Please check as appropriate: D.2. 0 An invitation/letter of support from the host institution is included with this application. D.3. 0 A letter of support from the applicant’s UMD department head or equivalent is included with this application. D.4. 0 The applicant acknowledges the award terms, conditions and restrictions as stated in the application guidelines.